Link. Rogue.
Daily Archives: September 15, 2022
“team infused five patients with treatment-resistant SLE with modified anti-CD19 T cells. And so far, all of them have experienced a remarkable recovery.”
Link. All. Don’t see that often, even for small number.
“crumbling ruins of Sak Tz’i’, a Maya settlement at least 2,500 years old. Spread across 100 acres of tangled vines and lumpy earth were reminders of lost grandeur:”
Link. Found in Mexican ranch.
“neglecting to tell the bees could lead to various misfortunes, including their death or departure, or a failure to make honey.”
Link. “… Royal beekeeper had informed Queen Elizabeth II’s bees of her death”
“already decided she would terminate the pregnancy if the diagnosis of Down syndrome was confirmed, though she would have to travel outside Ohio to do so”
Link. Lots of GOP voters abort Downs fetus.
“as the Ukrainian Army advanced, the soldiers seemed surprised, she said, as they had made no special preparations either for defense or retreat”
Link. They were just controlling the locals.
Oil industry climate talk shockingly insincere.
Link. Remember when big tobacco sponsored women’s tennis? Kind of like that.
Sweden’s fascist side.
Link. MSGA.
NYT article shows how to report a lie: “The Russian government has dismissed witness accounts, photographs, videos and other evidence of atrocities by its soldiers in Bucha”
Link. Now do this for DeSantis lies.