Trump is not stupid. 

Springsteen, my all time favorite celebrity, had a typically eloquent anti-Trump rant. 

Including the line: “a price being paid for not addressing the real cost of deindustrialization and globalization”

He called Trump a “moron” though. I don’t agree with Bruce on that (besides, the term, like “retard”, has a cruel heritage). 

Trump is not dumb. Neither was GWB (a poor choice but T makes him look almost palatable). 

As near as I can tell Trump is fairly smart — but he is not rational. Recent brain research shows two are loosely coupled.

Non-rational, manipulative, narcissistic, authoritarian, vengeful, amoral, ignorant, incurious … But smart enough to be terribly dangerous. 

With a worldview frozen in his youth. In 1965 his racism and misogyny would have been mainstream. Even pronto-feminist. 

First GWB. Now Trump. Maybe history is sending us a message.