Link. Dispense bits of money so long as the refugee flow continues.
Daily Archives: August 19, 2021
Facebook “Widely Shared Content” report is a poke in the eye.
Link. It is true, however, that humanity is vacuous.
Unable to print from Chrome on macOS Mojave – use Cmd-Opt-P to print using system dialog.
Link. Chrome has been going downhill for a while.
Safari on US Bank: “our system is not cooperating”
Link. Weird bug since works on a different user account but cache clear failed. For now the workaround is Chrome.
Unable to print from Chrome on macOS Mojave – use Cmd-Opt-P to print using system dialog
Link. I’m done with Chrome. Such an annoying product.
“researchers planted a single Roundup-resistant Palmer amaranth plant in each of four fields of genetically modified cotton. In three years, the weeds choked out the cotton, and the crop failed.”
Link. The good news is Amaranth seeds are edible.
“the data he expects to be released soon is from studies of two doses of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, rather than an mRNA booster.”
Link. We don’t understand the immune system well enough to mix and match if we have actual data at hand.
Anti-Covid Plastic Barriers are not very useful.
Link. Sometimes hurt, sometimes help, mostly not worth the bother.
When Sea Snakes Attack “it’s just a lovesick boy looking for a girlfriend and making a rather foolish mistake,”
Link. Hold still and let the fanged lethal monster lick you.