Researchers in children and young adults who shoot schoolchildren: “recognizing and acting upon warning signs that school shooters almost always give well before they open fire”

Link. THE only good essay on American school shootings I have ever read. From their book.

(Useful writing is most often done by domain experts with editor assistance. Journalists rarely have time to do useful writing on hard topics. Publishes in a local digital news service.)

Rapid maturation (cortical thinning) of girl brains more than boy brains during COVID stress.

Link. This is not thought to be due to COVID directly, but rather a general stress response. Under conditions of high stress human adolescent brains may convert to adults mode faster than usual. What’s new is that the conversion is more marked in girls than boys and it’s associated with anxiety disorders in girls. It’s easy to imagine this is a primate adaptive response.

2004 paper: The Nature-Nurture Debate and Public Policy (blank slate, tabula rosa, nature vs nurture)

Link. I dug this up because I believe 1960s progressive-liberal “blank slate” ideology was one of the great intellectual errors of the left.

It was a reaction to early 20th century eugenics and to ongoing deep and pervasive racism. But it led to a misplaced focus on college for all and fed into disastrous 1990s trade policies. It was also really dumb.

Modern Mac folders: “Library comes only from the Data volume, … in the path Library/Apple/System/Library are some components that should appear in the main System/Library.”

Link. Browsing these folders is like exploring Rome — modern atop ancient.

“There are two places that mounted volumes are listed in the Finder: the hidden top-level folder Volumes, where Macintosh HD is just a link back to the root complete with its merged volumes, and in System/Volumes, where what’s shown as Macintosh HD is in fact not the merged volumes, but only the Data volume”

“Rather than selling as many TVs as possible, brands like LG, Samsung, Roku, and Vizio are increasingly, if not primarily, seeking recurring revenue from already-sold TVs via ad sales and tracking.”

Link. “each new connected TV platform user generates around $5 per quarter in data and advertising revenue.”

Puny revenues, but they expect the upside to be a lot bigger.

“Those who want a TV without an Internet connection have few options.” If you don’t connect your TV to the net you can use Apple TV (though it will do its own monitoring). I think the article forgot to note some of these TVs don’t work without a net connection.

Why ABLE accounts for disabled persons have been an utter failure.

Link. They found some of the problems with ABLE accounts. Ones they missed:

1. The state vendors offer crappy high cost products with crappy software. Big players don’t want this low revenue business.
2. You can’t f* get money out when appropriate because the software is so bad
3. The oversight is the usual “you are a crook and we will get you” set of impossible burdens.
4. NOBODY, including expert accountants, has much confidence about what will trigger an audit.

“the fastest-shrinking regions were the orbitofrontal cortex and other parts of the brain that have expanded the most over the past few million years.”

Link. Both humans and chimps have 17 brain regions. Some are similar size but a few are much larger in humans. They include decision-making systems that that get crappy in middle-aged humans.

There’s a hint these age faster than other regions. The result sounds squishy and nobody knows why — maybe we ask too much of these hacked together innovations.