Link. Based on history but gene testing might end that practice.
Daily Archives: May 18, 2022
“450 killings, right-wing extremists committed about 75 percent. Islamic extremists were responsible for about 20”
Link. Left count for 4%.
“About 39 percent of Black Americans have one copy of the gene’s risk variants; another 13 percent, or nearly 5.5 million, have two copies. Those with two copies are at increased risk for fast progressing kidney disease that often starts in young adul
Link. It’s not structural racism alone.
Amazon to sort-of support ePub
Link. Rare example of progress.
Bike 1.0 – macos outliner. “The .bike file format is HTML–you can view it in your web browser. Bike also supports .opml and .txt.”
Link. $30.
“just as responsible, from Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch on down”
Link. Fallows is willing to name Lachlan. Tucker is just a mouthpiece.
Why cars smashing bikes and peds gets poor print coverage.
Link. More complex than I thought. Better coverage requires advocate pressure.
Economic Sitrep for China (Menzie Chin)
Link. “autocratic leadership unconstrained by reason can lead to disaster — not only for China but also for China’s economic partners.”