Gordon’s Notes: The LLM service I will pay for — call Social Security for me

Link. “I want to give my Agent the social security and medicare data it is likely to such; case number, my SSN, my phone, etc.  I want it to call social security using my voice and sit on hold for days, weeks, years until someone accidentally answers. Then it begins the conversation while paging me to swap in …. with a text summary of current discussion and a timer to join in 5…. 4….. 3…. 2…. 1…”

Semaglutide correlated with 7x increase in very rare eye disorder.

Link. “they had come across three patients who began to lose their vision from NAION within a week’s time …. all three patients were also taking semaglutide…

… semaglutide mimics the hormone GLP-1, which binds to receptors found in the cells of the optic nerve”

Sounds like a good observational study. Maybe patients taking glutides will need periodic eye checks. But 7x very rare is still rare.