Alas, no Flickr support for Aperture

With Flickr’s acquisition by Smugmug I thought It’d try Aperture’s Flickr export again.

Alas, it no longer works. I guess the API changed.

You can still sort of export to iCloud photostreams as long as you don’t try simultaneously using I don’t recommend this though, I think it’s crashy under Sierra. I’ve seen photostreams obliterated and thousands of thumbnails scattered across an Aperture database.

Probably the only ‘safe/sane’ photo sharing from Aperture now is export images/video to the file system then use an uploader This is semi-automatic with a Google Drive folder that supports Google Photos. (Though I quite dislike Google Photos because you can’t specify an album destination during upload.)

I do miss the glory days of photo sharing.

I’m mildly curious to see if Apple will introduce shared Libraries and Library Management for What a disappointment that product has been.