Link. I’m not a Tim Cook fan.
Monthly Archives: September 2021
“multiple Siri commands that are no longer working after the iOS 15 update”
Link. 14.8 too.
“abandon the word “men” in favour of “prostate-havers”, “ejaculators” or “bodies with testicles”
Link. BWT for short.
The End of AMP?
Link. Jobs would have made Safari bypass amp and render directly.
OWC “turn one Thunderbolt port on your Mac into two DisplayPort connections for external monitors”
Link. I think Air still limited to 1 external though.
Cuyuna crash makes National news: trailside trach.
Link. Last time I rode the Kettle EMTs were bundling the guy ahead of me for transport. It’s one of my favorite trails but it has real risks.
The 6 Stages of Cycling Enlightenment
Link. I think I started at Enlightenment:-).
“I have little doubt that the justices are so full of self-regard as to believe that they are impartial, but the public is under no obligation to take this seriously.”
Link. Their pomposity beggars belief.
“use folders and file-naming conventions to create a clear version path that doesn’t depend on local or cloud-based archiving systems.”
Link. Versioning is too complex and risky. OTOH his example of data loss was quite modest.
HDL booster meds failed at enormous cost. (CETP inhibitors)
Link. “showing us that we don’t know as much about human lipoproteins as we thought we did”
“In several federal cases, health care workers are demanding that the state allow religious exemptions, and have won the right to keep working for now.”
Link. The religious exemption is a vast loophole. I’m surprised more don’t claim it.
Eclectic Light tools for working with macOS log.
Link. One day you may need this.
“In 15 generations of iPhones, Apple has changed the connector once. And that one time was a clear win in every single regard. Changing from Lightning to USB-C is not so clearly an upgrade at all.”
Link. For once I agree with DF.
“this level of politically-driven brainwashing terrifying. It’s basically a full break from reality, driven in large part by rage and distrust toward establishment systems.”
Link. Murdoch’s minions.
What’s the Newest Language?
Link. “the opposite of English, which has by far the largest vocabulary of any language in the world”
Fascinating. Any isolated group of infants seem able to create a kind of language.
iOS 15 to Add Verifiable Covid-19 Vaccination Records to Wallet
Link. Later this year .. “built on the SMART Health Cards framework, an international specification”
“You can also set up your AirTag in the Find My app. Tap the Items tab, then tap Add Item.”
Link. On my i8 iOS 14 the auto Connect briefly appeared, died, and I could never get it to show again. Add Item in Find My worked.
Apple’s best value: the cheap iPad.
Link. They last at least five years.
The Proliferation of Zero-days: “China alone is suspected to be responsible for nine zero-days this year.”
Link. Security has gotten good enough that Zero-days are high value.
“secret societies” are implanting vaccines in a plot to connect Black people to a master computer for “a plan of Satan.”
Link. They’ve almost got it. Closer than 5G anyway. #borgvid
“The more I look back at Catalina, the more grateful I am that we’ll soon be upgrading to Monterey.”
Link. Mojave was ok.
iOS Safari Extension 1Password: “doesn’t work with standalone vaults”
iOS Vulnerabilities: Unfixed or Uncredited.
Link. I am not a fan of Tom Cook.
iOS Safari Extension: Amplosion
Link. Die AMP die. Needs to be built into browser.
“Apple has apparently dropped AirPort Utility from the App Store, its last version being 6.3.9”
Minnesota – mountain biking capital of America.
Link. Almost. We call em singletrack because we don’t, you know, have any mountains.
Debt default: “Congress often waits to see market panic before acting.”
Link. Pressure from donors.
“two-thirds of Americans refuse to pay $10 a month to avert global environmental catastrophe”
Link. Not a surprise. In general civilization relies on 20-30% of humanity. The rest are in our care.
US murder rates still rising.
Link. Maybe less rapid increase. Higher percentage guns.
Cystatin C instead of race based Creatinine based renal activity algorithms.
Link. Will likely give same answer at higher cost but still worth doing.
“99 additional votes for President Biden and 261 fewer votes for Mr. Trump”
Link. So there was bias?
“Dr. Ardelean and his colleagues have proposed that people traveled inland more than 32,000 years ago, before Ice Age glaciers reached their maximum extent.”
Link. Do I hear a 55? Yes to the woman in ref. Do I hear 60? Going once …
“Shafer and his fellow Republicans approved a fake second slate of pro-Trump electors to be sent to Washington, on the grounds that Trump had really carried Georgia and that Biden’s victory was based on fraud.”
Link. America is not that keen on democracy.
“when riding around on these ebikes I felt the same way I did when I saw my first iPhone: this is the future.”
Link. My 5 bikes are power-free, but one day…
“It looks now, based on aurora and sparse magnetometer measurements, that an event in 1872 was probably larger than the Carrington Event,”
Link. Preppers not necessarily wrong.
High quality child care is very too expensive for most parents.
Link. Reduce quality vs subsidize vs parent stops work.
“Unlike Android phones that are chasing big megapixel counts and then “pixel binning” to achieve low light performance, Apple is sticking with 12 megapixels”
Link. Lose out on digital zoom when good lighting.
“If that sounds like a ridiculously unrealistic description of how the economy works, well, that’s because it is.”
Link. Big diss of Mankiw. Also of Nobel committee.
“TBXT mutation doesn’t just shorten tails but also sometimes causes spinal cord defects. And yet, somehow, losing a tail proved a major evolutionary advantage.”
Link. Great mystery.
“Several experts have called on Biden to issue an executive order reclassifying rapid tests as a public health tool rather than a medical device.”
Link. Do it now. Damnit.
“The U.S. death rate over the past two weeks … is … more than seven times as high as Canada’s”
Link. The Murdoch Murders.
“After doing some digging your security is at no risk. Pegasus does not affect macOS Mojave.”
Link. Would explain lack of Apple concern given magnitude of the bug. If true good news for Aperture users.
“Given how rarely children become severely ill, the trial was not big enough to draw meaningful conclusions about the vaccine’s ability to prevent Covid or hospitalization”
macOS installer disks: “Flash disks make excellent bootable Installer disks”
Link. Apple being atypically helpful.
“Mr. Strang seems to have discovered that one way to handle being publicly wrong is to change the subject and to pray readers stick around.”
Link. This works a lot better than we once thought.
“Each year in the United States, RSV leads to on average approximately 58,000 hospitalizations1 with 100-500 deaths among children younger than 5 years old”
Link. How does COVID compare for children 12 and under? (RSV mortality mostly <5yo).
“Roughly 2 percent of school-based close contacts ultimately tested positive for the virus, researchers found, which means that schools were keeping 49 uninfected students out of class every time one student tested positive.”
Link. Daily testing on exposed rather than quarantine.
Xanthelasmas (lipid deposits around eyes) can regress with statin treatment.
Link. I wondered if I was imagining it – after a year or so my eyelid plaques seemed much smaller. (I had an amazing LDL drop with low dose every-other-day statin.)
Big Sur and the macOS update problem.
Link. This is nuts. Apple is getting even more abusive.
“Lincoln’s proclamation meant that anti-slavery England would not formally enter the war on the side of the Confederates, dashing their hopes of foreign intervention”
Link. Didn’t know that.